Steven James

New at Cambridge Press: A Clinician’s Guide to Cannabinoid Science A Clinician’s Guide to Cannabinoid Science

About Steven James, MD

Steven James MD, a seasoned storyteller, has informed and entertained audiences worldwide with enriching presentations for over 30 years. As a psychiatrist, medical researcher and historian, he connects education and entertainment seamlessly, crafting talks that leave a lasting impact. Steven’s unique approach weaves biographies of historic figures with science, uncovering  surprising connections in medicine, science, and geography.

In addition to his speaking activities, Steven boasts a successful medical career, earning his medical degree from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine and completing training in psychiatry at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. He embarked on his career in medical research as a research psychopharmacology fellow at the Stanford University School of Medicine followed by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) investigating chronobiology and health. He later served on the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and launched the Penn Center for Sleep Disorders. He’s authored two medical books, published original research papers and made appearances on ABC’s Good Morning America, demonstrating his passion as a communicator of science.

In his pursuit of medical research, Steven has held significant positions in the pharmaceutical industry, serving as a physician scientist and executive at international companies including Eli Lilly, AbbVie, and Merck Serono for over two decades. His experiences in developing tomorrow’s medicines and therapies have deepened his appreciation of the importance of history in the development of future innovations in medicine.