Steven James

New at Cambridge Press: A Clinician’s Guide to Cannabinoid Science A Clinician’s Guide to Cannabinoid Science


“A Clinician’s Guide to Cannabinoid Science” is an all-encompassing book designed to address the crucial need for validated scientific information regarding the effects of cannabinoids on human health. In a world rife with exaggeration and misinformation surrounding cannabinoids, this book aims to provide clinicians with a reliable resource based on peer-reviewed research.

Covering a broad spectrum of topics including the central nervous system (CNS), circadian rhythms, skin, immunology, and the eye, the book offers a succinct exploration of the scientific evidence available. Given the widespread interest in cannabinoids and their potential therapeutic benefits, it is essential for clinicians to have access to accurate and validated scientific information. This book serves as a vital tool in meeting that need. By countering the prevalent exaggerations and misinformation surrounding cannabinoids, it empowers clinicians to navigate this complex field with confidence.

The strong emphasis on peer-reviewed scientific literature ensures that clinicians can rely on the information the book provides. By utilizing this credible knowledge, clinicians can enhance their understanding of cannabinoids, discern their potential applications, and make informed decisions in their clinical practice.

In a world where misinformation abounds, “A Clinician’s Guide to Cannabinoid Science” emerges as a trustworthy resource that equips clinicians with the validated scientific information they require to navigate the world of cannabinoids with accuracy and clarity.


Mental Health

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms


CBD and the Future of Therapeutics

A Physician's review of the scientific literature

A Physician's review of the scientific literature